Ralph Hodgson

Here you will find the Poem Babylon of poet Ralph Hodgson


If you could bring her glories back! 
You gentle sirs who sift the dust 
And burrow in the mould and must 
Of Babylon for bric-a-brac; 
Who catalogue and pigeon-hole 
The faded splendours of her soul 
And put her greatness under glass - 
If you could bring her past to pass! 
If you could bring her dead to life! 
The soldier lad; the market wife; 
Madam buying fowls from her; 
Tip, the butcher's bandy cur; 
Workmen carting bricks and clay; 
Babel passing to and fro 
On the business of a day 
Gone three thousand years ago - 
That you cannot; then be done, 
Put the goblet down again, 
Let the broken arch remain, 
Leave the dead men's dust alone - 
Is it nothing how she lies, 
This old mother of you all, 
You great cities proud and tall 
Towering to a hundred skies 
Round a world she never knew, 
Is it nothing, this, to you? 
Must the ghoulish work go on 
Till her very floors are gone? 
While there's still a brick to save 
Drive these people from her grave! 
The Jewish seer when he cried 
Woe to Babel's lust and pride 
Saw the foxes at her gates; 
Once again the wild thing waits. 
Then leave her in her last decay 
A house of owls, a foxes' den; 
The desert that till yesterday 
Hid her from the eyes of men 
In its proper time and way 
Will take her to itself again.