The Interpretation of A Child said what is the Grass By Walt Whitman

"A Child said what is the Grass" is a poem and an excerpt from the "Song of Myself" written by Walt Whitman. The poet was once a teacher between 1836 and 1841. He later became a full time journalist and started composing poems, songs and other write-ups. Here you will find the interpretation of this famous poem by Walt Whitman.

The Structure
The poem A Child said what is the Grass is an excerpt from the "Song of me". It’s actually the 6th poem in the list. The title of the poem is part of the first line. Several literary devices are used in conveying the message of the poem. Readers are encouraged to read the poem aloud and observe the conjunctions in order to get its full gist.

The Meaning
"A Child said what the Grass is" is actually the poet’s meditation on grass. He meditates on the green plants that surround most of the sub-urban homes. They also grow tall in most fields and hillsides across the globe. The poet writes on how humans tread on grass daily. He wonders why many people still remain ignorant of grass despite the fact that they live with it. Most people think they know more about the grass and hence ignore its true importance. The poet sees beyond this. He sees a mystery and other deeper things about the grass. He tries to question what the grass is really about. For him, the grass is always green and therefore signifies hope. He says, the grass is also like a handkerchief dropped by God to draw man’s thoughts to the lovely face. He says the grass is the babe of vegetation and the embodiment of new life as well as new growth in the plant world. The poet also shows how the grass connects to life and death.

In all, the poem brings out the hidden meaning in grasses. Humans are expected to give their lives generously without considering race or nation. We’re expected to share our lives in every nation we find ourselves. There’s no need for racial discrimination. Whitman, the poet was actually writing about the aftermath of the American Civil War. He served in a New York hospital during the war. He saw the ugly nature of war and the generation of young people that are lost in it. The poem portrays how life renews itself like the grass even through death.